Counseling » Course Catalog

Course Catalog

PHHS Course Catalogs
PHHS Course Selection Forms
Graduation Pathways
The Career Bound Pathway allows flexibility for students who participate in onsite Career Technical Education and West-MEC. 21st-century professional skills are highlighted in this pathway for students who hold a job and can earn credit for Work Study. See Appendix C in our course catalog for more information.
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The College Bound Pathway meets the Arizona Board of Regents minimum course requirements to be admitted to Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and University of Arizona. It includes a combination of honors, AP, or dual classes to prepare students for the rigor and structure of college classes. Students are also required to complete at least two years of a world language. See Appendix B in our course catalog for more information.
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For the Associates Pathway, Paradise Honors High School is partnering with Rio Salado and the Maricopa County Community Colleges. Students may take dual enrollment courses taught on our campus by Paradise teachers and/or concurrent courses taught online or in person by a college professor. See Appendix A in our course catalog for more information.
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