Hey Seniors!! It's time to visit Ottawa University!!

HEY SENIORS!!! We are thrilled to announce an exciting field trip for Seniors to Ottawa University-Surprise (OUAZ) on February 27th from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Students will have the chance to tour the campus, explore the university’s scholarship opportunities, learn about various programs, enjoy lunch, and much more!
Important Details:
Date: February 27th
Time: 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Location: Ottawa University-Surprise (OUAZ)
Transportation: Students must provide their own transportation. Please note that students cannot drive other students.
Sign-up Deadline: February 24th
Students can sign up in the Counseling office or in their Google Classroom. Please contact Ms. Patterson or Mrs. Huynh if you have any questions.
#phhs #paradisehonorshighschool #paradiseschools #phhspanthers #pantherpride #classof2025 #ottawa #ottawauniversity #collegevisit