Welcome back spirit week!

We are excited to welcome back our Panthers for the 2nd semester of the 24-25 SY 🐾💙 To kick off the first week back from break, StuCo is hosting a spirit week, games during lunches, and a welcome back assembly.
❄️ Monday - "Honey I'm Home!!" - Upperclassmen dress as adults/elderly and lowerclassmen dress as babies/toddlers 👶🏻
❄️ Tuesday - "Home on the Range" - Dress in your best Western wear 🤠
❄️ Wednesday - "Home Run" - Rep your favorite team by wearing a jersey 🏀
❄️ Friday - "No place like home" - Class color day (seniors - black, juniors - blue, sophomore - grey, & freshman - white)
#phhs #paradisehonorshighschool #paradiseschoools #paradisehonors #phhspanthers #phhsspiritweek #backtoschoolspiritweek