"The One Act Play That Goes Wrong" - Presented by PHHS Drama Club

This Friday (4/29) and Saturday (4/30) at 7:30pm, PHHS Drama Club will be presenting their final production of the year! Saturday night's show will be followed by a presentation celebrating our graduating seniors.
The One Act Play That Goes Wrong is a hilarious hybrid of Monty Python and Sherlock Holmes. The opening night of The Murder at Haversham Manor goes from bad to utterly disastrous with an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can't play dead, and actors who trip over everything (including their lines).
(rated PG for murderous themes 🗡)
The students have worked so hard on this production, not only mastering numerous fast paced lines and managing endless props, but also building their first full interior set! They would love to see you there!
Purchase tickets here - https://phhsdramaclub.ludus.com/index.php
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and we hope to see you at the show!
Karen Creel
Math & Theatre Teacher
Paradise Honors High School