2nd Semester Updates from Dr. Garcia

Dear Paradise Families, 

Happy New Year! We are so excited to start the second semester of the 21’-22’ school year. We look forward to the learning and engagement that are to come. The commitment of teachers, the support of families, and the resilience of students continues to be a testimony of success here at Paradise Honors. 


As we move into the fresh start of the second semester, I want to clarify gradebook expectations. The commitment is that gradebooks are updated weekly by teachers. It is important that gradebooks accurately reflect student progress and achievement. That said, the expectation is that teachers input zeros for assessments that are not submitted. This will allow students to see the immediate impact of missing work on their grades. Students who are absent will continue to receive the same number of days missed to make up missed work. We thank you in advance for communicating with the teacher if questions arise. 

Wednesday Release Time Update

Beginning today,  Wednesday, January 5th, the high school will release at 1:10 PM. The College, Career, and Wellness Center will be open in the C building for students who need space until 2:15 for pick up. The high school bus will run to the elementary school at 1:30 PM. 

Future Panther Preview January 12th 5:30 & 6:30

We are hosting a Future Panther Preview for the 22’-23’ school year! Please join us at 5:30 or 6:30 for an opening information session in the auditorium followed by campus tours and a meet and greet with teachers and coaches.

Spring State Assessments

This week, we are taking steps towards preparing students for spring testing. 11th grade students are taking a practice ACT this week. 9th and 10th grade students are also working towards demonstrating growth on the middle of the year NWEA assessment. Each of these assessment tools will assist teachers in planning while also supporting students to target areas of growth. All juniors will take the ACT on April 5th at no cost to families. All freshmen will take the ACT Aspire on April 5th as well. Both the ACT and the ACT Aspire replace the AzMerit as the required statewide achievement assessments. Juniors will also take the Arizona Science assessment on March 24th in compliance with the state. 

All the best, 

Dr. Gina Garcia


Paradise Honors High School
